Our Services
The clinic offers a fully equipped operating theatre that can host all types of surgery (soft tissue and orthopedic).
In our clinic we can handle any case of internal medicine incidents (gastrointestinal, endocrinological, neurological, dermatological etc).
Special equipment is present for cases that show serious health issues and intensive care is deemed necessary.
The clinic’s digital radiology unit, ultrasound unit and specialized veterinary blood and biochemical analyzers are of the highest standards, capable of performing very specialized diagnostic tests and analyses.
All dental problems are managed properly, such as dental cleaning using ultrasound and polishing, dental extractions and jaw surgery.
We have created a YouTube channel and every week we publish a new video for dog & cat health, nutrition, behavior, and care. Join us!
Both endo- and exo-parasites can be dangerous for an animal’s health, but also for our health. Luckily, tackling this issue is an easy task, with various methods to do so. We can use collars, pills and ampoules for topical perfusion on the skin.
Vaccinations are necessary to ensure and maintain the health of cats and dogs. Vaccination helps the animal to produce antibodies and become ready for any contact with a virus from the microorganisms for which it was vaccinated.
The right diet must be balanced and must cover all its needs to help maintain good dental, joint and fur conditions. We also offer specialized medicinal diet solutions for animals that suffer from various health issues (diarrhea, allergies, heart conditions, etc).